- 物 matter
- ampere meter squared (Am2) 安培米平方
- 及物动词 transitive verb
- 取物 fetch
- sine-cosine法 sine-cosine method
- 物语 story
- Cosine算子函数 cosine family
- 不及物动词 intransitive verb(缩写:vi.)
- 广义Chi-Squared地面散射与大气湍流综合调制效应明显地压缩了概率分布的宽度并使分布函数的峰值移向归一化强度的低端。 The joine distribution of geneval Chi Squared distribution for scattering terrain and atmospheric turbulance is found flatten markedly and its peak shifts to the low end of normalized irradiance.
- cosine-sine分解 cosine-sine decomposition
- 引物 primer
- Cosine类似算法 Cosine Similar algomrithm
- 及物 transitive
- 分数阶Cosine变换 fractional cosine transform
- 某物 something
- C-cosine算子函数 C-cosine operator functions
- 物的 thingy
- 装饰物 ornament
- 反应物 reagent
- 底物 substrate